- četrtek | 1. avgusta 2019
- 19:00 - 23:00
- Masarykova cesta 24
Lezbično-feministična univerza vas vabi na Lezbični kino maraton »Anne Lister«, ki bo v četrtek, 18.7.2019 ob 19h in nato ponovno v četrtek, 1.8.2019 ob 19h v klubu Tiffany (ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q), AKC Metelkova.
Skupaj si bomo ogledale in komentirale vsakič po dva dela britansko-ameriške TV serije Džentlemen Jack, filmske upodobitve lezbičnega življenja britanske zemljiške veleposestnice Anne Lister (1791-1841). Sledi kritičen pogovor.
Dogodek je odprt za lezbijke, ženske, trans in nebinarne osebe. Več: https://www.lezfemuniverza.org/lezbicni-kino-anne-lister/
*********ENGLISH *******
LFU is inviting you to the Lesbian cinema marathon »Anne Lister«, that will occur on Thursday, July 18th 2019 at 7 pm, and then again on Thursday, August 1sth 2019 at 7 pm, at club Tiffany (SKUC-Cultural centre Q), ACC Metelkova.
Together we will see and comment on the two plus two episodes of the British-American TV series Gentleman Jack, which depict lesbian life of the British landowner Anne Lister (1791-1841). Afterwards, we plan a critical debate.
The event is open only for lesbians, women, trans and non-binary persons. More info: https://www.lezfemuniverza.org/lezbicni-kino-anne-lister/.