Klub Tiffany (ŠKUC – Kulturni center Q)
vas vabi v petek, 10.12. ob 20h, na dobrodelno dražbo slik umetnika Dareta Zatlerja – Dana, katerega spominsko razstavo si lahko še do petka ogledate v prostorih kluba Tiffany in kluba YHD/SOT24,5 med 16. in 20. uro.
Zbrana sredstva bodo namenjena Skupini za samopomoč HIV+, ki deluje pri Društvu ŠKUC. Izklicna cena slik bo 50 EUR, pravila dražbe pa dobite na samem dogodku. Dražba se bo nadaljevala v klubski večer.
Vljudno vabljeni! Club Tiffany (SKUC – Cultural center Q)
is inviting you on Friday, 10.12. at 20h, to a humanitarian auction of fine art by Dare Zatler – Dan. the Exhibition of works can still be visited every day till the following Friday during 16 -20h at the club Tiffany and YHD/SOT 24,5.
Collected funds will be donated to the Self-help group for HIV-positive gay men which is organized by SKUC. The starting price for a picture will be 50 EUR, the rules of the auction can be obtained at the very event.