- petek | 20. julija 2018 - sobota | 21. julija 2018
- 23:00 - 06:00
- Masarykova 24 1000 Ljubljana
When a person cuts off all communication with their friends
>>> ENG bellow
Po približno letu zatišja kolektiva KCŠ, ki je bil prikrajšan za svoj dom, vas vabimo na poletni rejv v klubih Monokel in Tiffany, kjer bomo počastili flirtajoče zvoke mesta. Navdih si bomo vzeli od gostujočega Chris Crusa, kvir DJ-ja in rezidenta Spotlight zabav v LA-ju, nomadnih dogodkov, ki se nepričakovano pop-upajo na različnih lokacijah po Los Angelesu in promovirajo mednarodne talente in vsesplošno dekadenco. Crusa gostimo slab teden pred njegovim setom v Berghainu/Panorama baru na klubski noči, ki je namenjena povezovanju starih in novih prijateljev ter vabi ustvarjalce k nadaljnjemu kreativnemu ustvarjanju na domači in tuji sceni. Kinki dobrodošli!
/// Gosts:
Chris Cruse:
Osrednja figura LA podzemlja, organizator in rezident zabav Spotlight, nomadskih kvir zabav, ki kontrirajo mejam zmožnosti Kalifornije in Trumpove Amerike. Njegova pripadnost plesni glasbi se prepozna na plesiščih Detroita, New Yorka, Londona in Berlina. Chris vrti glasbo ob boku Mika Servita, Honey Dijon in The Black Madonne.
Le Berg:
Ljubljanska nepremična gora in digger house klasik v okvir umešča gostujočega Chris Crusa s svojimi referencami na Paradise Garage in Chicaške klasike. Ali na plesišču ali za mešalko, Le Berg lomi srca moških in žensk z zahtevnim glasbenim okusom.
Karin Bossman:
Veteranka v vrtenju feel good poletnih hitov, ki je vrtela že na več plesiščih, kot smo sploh vedeli, da jih obstaja. Bila je aktivna v kolektivih Female’S’Scream in Positive Pulse ter je lanskoletna dobitnica Zlate Tiffanyje za DJ-ko leta.
Rezidenčni Ghosting beat aktivist!
Warrego Valles:
Locirani na koordinatah 42.2 južno po zemljepisni širini in 93 po dolžini na Marsu, sta Warrego Valles nepremagljivi sili na domači sceni. Duo sestavljata NinaBelle in Nina Hudej, priznani DJ-ki in producentki iz Ljubljane, ki sta pred kratkim predstavili svoj debitni album Botox in ju bomo lahko ujeli še tik preden odletita na tuje odre.
Skrivnostni Fejzo, kot bi mu rekli mnogi, je vsestranska ninja na sceni, znan po sodelovanju v kolektivih Don’t Make New People in Sezam. Prav tako je bobnar in beat maker v audio-vizualnem projektu Your Gay Thoughts. Dolgoletni podpornik KCŠ-ja nas bo zabaval z mračnejšo platjo svojega ustvarjalnega razpona.
Tritch je navdušenec nad elektronsko glasbo, podkovan v raznolikih valovnih dolžinah industrial zvoka. Dobro negovan selektor in spiker na Radiu Študent bo s svojim zaključnim setom v svetlobo popeljal še najbolj vztrajne duhove in zombije.
Prostor ureja ekipa KCŠ.
“As ghosts we can finally dance!”
>>> ENG
It’s been around a year since KCS was cut off from its house. After a year of ghosting, we invite you to come party with us for a summer rave between Tiffany and Monokel and celebrate the flirtatious sounds of the city. We take inspiration from Chris Cruse, LA’s top queer DJ and resident of Spotlight, which is a moving event that unexpectedly pops up around Los Angeles to showcase international talent and promote decadence. We welcome him a week before he plays Berghain/Panorama Bar to a night of clubbing meant to connect new and old friends and inspire future creativity and collaborations with the community. Kinky attire encouraged!
/// Gosts:
Chris Cruse:
A central figure of the LA underground, Chris is the creator and resident DJ of Spotlight, a movable queer party that defies the limits of possibility in the state of California and Trump’s America. His dedication to dance music is recognized on floors in Detroit, New York, London and Berlin. Chris DJs with Mike Servito, Honey Dijon and The Black Madonna.
Le Berg:
LJ’s unmovable mountain and digger of house tracks frames the context for hosting Chris Cruse with his references to Paradise Garage/Chicago classics. Either behind the decks or on the dancefloor, Le Berg breaks the hearts of men and women of discerning musical taste.
Karin Bossman:
A veteran DJ of bouncy feel good summer sounds, Karin has played more dancefloors than we knew existed. She has been active in Female’S’Cream and Positive Pulse and is the winner of last year’s Gold Tiffany for DJ of the year.
Ghosting’s resident beat activist!
Warrego Valles:
Located at 42.2 south latitude and 93 west longitude, Mars, Warrego Valles are a force not to be reckoned with. Warrego Valles consists of NinaBelle and Nina Hudej, two critically acclaimed DJs and producers from LJ, who are fresh off promoting their debut album Botox, before they fly off to play gigs abroad.
The mysterious Fejzo, a versatile warrior of the scene, is known for Don’t Make New People, Sezam and is a drummer and beat maker in an audio-visual project called Your Gay Thoughts. A longtime supporter of KCS, he will entertain us with the darker side of his range.
Tritch is an electronic music afishionado versed in diverse wavelengths of industrial sound. This well-groomed Radio Student music selector and host will inevitably lead ghosts and zombies into the light with his closing set.
Decorations by KCS Crew
“As ghosts we can finally dance!”
Klub Tiffany in klub Monokel predstavljata varen prostor, ki ga sooblikujemo vsi_e, namenjen GLBTQ skupnosti, kjer je prepovedano vsakršno verbalno ali fizično nasilje. Prav tako ne toleriramo homofobije, transfobije, seksizma, nacionalizma, rasizma in drugih oblik zatiranj.
Vse obiskovalce_ke prosimo, da to upoštevajo in hkrati opozorijo ekipo na pojav nasilja. To lahko storite osebno ali nam pišete na kulturnicenterq@gmail.com, www.kulturnicenterq.org/anonimna-prijava, FB stran kluba Tiffany in FB stran kluba Monokel
Club Tiffany and Club Monokel are a safe space, shaped by everybody, ment for the GLBTQ community. Any kind of verbal and physical violence is prohibited. We also do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, sexism, nationalism, racism and other types of suppression.
We ask all of our visitors to abide by these rules and that they inform our crew of any kind of violence. You can do this personally or write to us: kulturnicenterq@gmail.com, www.kulturnicenterq.org/anonimna-prijava, FB page of Club Tiffany and FB page of club Monokel
Vstopnina / Entrance: 5eur
Klub Monokel (www.klubmonokel.com)
ŠKUC LL (www.ljudmila.org/lesbo)
ŠKUC (www.skuc.org)