- petek | 23. novembra 2018 - sobota | 24. novembra 2018
- 23:00 - 06:00
- Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana
Festival Grounded se vrača s temo “Intima v času umetne inteligence”.
Glasbeni program bo z raziskovalnim avdiovizualnim performansom in inštalacijo “Moasis” otvorila Kaja Skrbinšek aka Malidah. V živo bomo priča kodiranju algoritemskega muzičarja Renicka Bella, nastopu berlinske enigme xin, kompozicijam fragmentiranih post-klubskih zvočnih struktur Kuthi Jinanija in zvočnega poeta Gašperja Torkarja. V klubsko prestavo se bomo na dveh platformah čvrsto namestili z novim live actom futuristične rRoxymore, hibridnim setom Janusove Kablam, vzhajajočo članico kolektiva Discwoman Ariel Zetina, poliritmično LOFT, milanskim lomilcem Rapala700, modem konfiguratorjem Tetsuom, bojler serviserjem Futonom, hišnicama Warrego Valles, iskalko oaze med klubskim in eksperimentalnim R36 in delegati platforme Ustanova.
Festival Grounded returns with the theme “Intimacy in the age of artificial intelligence”.
The musical part of the program will start off with Kaja Skrbinšek’s aka Malidah’s live audiovisual performance and installation “Moasis”. Part of this year’s lineup are also live acts from algorythm boss & coder Renick Bell, Berlins enigma xin, post-club composer Kuthi Jinani, sound linguist Gašper Torkar and a new live show by the futuristic rRoxymore. In a double club setting we’ll be also joined by Janus resident Kablam, the emerging Discwoman member Ariel Zetina, the polyrhythmic LOFT, Milan’s breaker Rapala700, modem configurator Tetsuo, boiler repairman Futon, janitors Warrego Valles, club and experimental intersections oasis seeker R36 and the delegates of the platform Ustanova.
SREDA / WEDNESDAY 21.11. ob / at 20.00 | Avditorij Moderne galerije + Pritličje
| | Kaja Skrbinšek aka Malidah (SI)
| | B L N, Volk, Maša, Commercial Break | Ustanova (SI)
ČETRTEK / THURSDAY 22.11. ob / at 21.00 | Klub Channel Zero
| | Renick Bell LIVE (JP)
| | xin LIVE (DE)
| | Kuthi Jinani LIVE (IT)
| | Gašper Torkar LIVE (SI)
| | Nulla, Estera | Ustanova (SI)
PETEK / FRIDAY 23.11. ob / at 23.00 | Klub Monokel + Klub Tiffany
| | rRoxymore LIVE (DE)
| | LOFT (UK)
| | Ariel Zetina (USA)
| | R36 (SI)
| | Rapala700 (IT)
| | Tetsuo (SI)
| | Futon (SI)
| | Warrego Valles (SI)
+ vizualne intervencije / visual interventions by:
| | 5237 (SI)
| | Smech (SI)
Predprodaja vstopnic / Ticket presale v / at Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana ali na spletu:
(Vstopnice na Olaii.com in vseh prodajnih mestih Trafika 3DVA in OMV)
Od / From 18.10 – 5.11. -> 10EUR (festivalska vstopnica / festival ticket)
Od / From 5.11. – 20.11. -> 12EUR (festivalska vstopnica / festival ticket)
Dnevna prodaja vstopnic na vratih / Daily ticket sale on door:
Sreda / Wednesday 21.11. -> Prost vstop / Free entrance
Četrtek / Thursday 22.11. -> 7EUR
Petek / Friday 23.11. -> 8EUR
Event celotnega festivala / Main festival event: https://www.facebook.com/events/251849822193240/