- četrtek | 30. avgusta 2018
- 21:00 - 22:00
- Masarykova cesta 24 1000 Ljubljana
Pogovor z Jayne Compton
Jayne Compton je najraje v zakulisju, veliko časa in energije posveča organizaciji in promociji glasbene in performativne scene v Manchestru. Je producentka in dramaturginja več predstav Davida Hoyla. Vodi organizacijo Switchflicker, ki sodeluje z ustvarjalci pri produkciji glasbe, gledališča, plesa, performansa in popularne kulture v Manchestru, po Združenem kraljestvu in drugod po svetu.
Pogovor bo potekal v angleščini.
Vstop prost
Več ⇢ http://sindikat.emanat.si/project/fenomen-switchflicker/
Talk Session with Jayne Compton
Jayne Compton prefers to be in the background, dedicating a lot of her time and passion to organising and promoting the music and performance scene in Manchester. She is the producer and dramaturg of several performances by David Hoyle. She also leads Switchflicker that collaborates with artists to produce music, theatre, dance, performance art, clubs and popular culture in Manchester, across the UK and around the world.
Talk Session will be held in English.
Free entry
More ⇢ http://sindikat.emanat.si/en/project/phenomenon-switchflicker/